7 artistic teambuilding ideas to encourage the creativity of your employees and improve group cohesion 🎨



Artistic team buildings have many advantages for companies. They promote communication within teams, develop employee confidence, encourage innovative ideas and even reduce stress!


We have selected a few ideas for artistic activities designed specifically to unleash the creativity of your employees:


1. Collaborative painting workshop 🎨


Organize a team painting session where each participant participates in a collective work of art (such as a fresco – see our realization).


2. Team Sculpting 🪅


Encourage your collaborators to work together to create a unique sculpture from specific materials (recycled materials, objects, etc.).


3.Team music 🎺


Organize a musical activity where your collaborators play together in an improvised music group.


4. Improv Theater 🎭


Set up role plays and improvisation exercises to stimulate creativity and communication.


5. Team photography 📸


Equip your employees with cameras and organize a photography contest based on a specific theme such as, why not, a report on your company!


6. Corporate Graffiti Wall 🖼️


Allow your employees to create a mural or a graffiti wall representing the values and culture of the company.


7. Pottery Workshop🏺


Offer your collaborators the possibility of shaping works in ceramic or clay, thus promoting concentration and creativity.



This list is, of course, not exhaustive. There are many other possibilities whether it is an indoor or outdoor activity.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you wish to have other ideas or if you wish to call on a professional to organize your next artistic team building!


As soon as we receive your specifications, we will make an appointment and we will find solutions adapted to your needs.

See you soon!

Best regards,

The whole Séminaires Online team.