Remote General Assembly for 300 participants and 17 speakers spread across France.
General Assembly of 300 participants with 17 speakers spread across France using an application that includes all the features of an event.
The application made it possible to introduce in a single solution :
- The color codes of the company,
- The program of the General Assembly,
- The list of speakers and a round table bringing them together,
- The possibility of voting remotely,
- Questions and answers during the General Assembly,
- The retransmission of the event after the General Assembly.
This application is dedicated only to the event of that day.
The General Assembly was very successful by the users. The percentage of remote attendance of members exceeded the number of face-to-face participants.
The experience will therefore have to be repeated.
Adapt to customer requirements and offer suitable solutions.
Florence ZANO
CEO of Séminaires Online
Our service :
- Search and selection of service providers.
- Upstream technical tests.
- Remote event coordination.